Celebrating Over 70 years of Worship in Historical Robbins, Illinois

In the early 50’s, Rev. Walter H. Ruth began the work which became Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The first Sunday School Service was held in Lincoln Memorial School with eight children in attendance. Pastor Ruth also conducted the regular Sunday Morning Worship Services there. The first adult Confirmation Service was held February 21, 1954, at which time Pastor Ruth confirmed the following: Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Thaggard, Mrs. William Blocker, Mrs. Samuel Coleman, Mrs. Alberta Ellis, Mrs. James Jones, Mrs. Clayton Newell and Miss Donna Newell.
Later in 1954, the Illinois District of The American Lutheran Church called the Rev. Harvard W. Stephens as a full time pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Mission. Pastor Stephens began his Pastorate here on July 13, 1955. He was installed by Dr. A. W. Englebrecht, Illinois District President of the American Lutheran Church on December 11, 1955; this marked the beginning of the official organization of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Also, in December of 1955, Good Shepherd’s first parsonage was dedicated at 14006 Claire Boulevard, Robbins, Illinois. In addition to being the home of the pastor, his wife and three children, the parsonage was used for all of the auxiliaries meetings, choir rehearsals, adult classes and confirmation instructions.
November 27, 1956 the first Church Council was elected consisting of Pastor H. W. Stephens, George Henderson Sr. as Financial Secretary; Clara Stephens as Corresponding Secretary; Shirley Marsh as Recording Secretary; Marion L. Smith as Treasurer; Victor Anderson Sr., Randolph Marsh Sr., Percy Lewis Sr., as Deacons; M. L. Smith, William George, James Jackson Sr., Martha Lewis and Ann L. Green as Trustees.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church was dedicated on May 18, 1958. Rev. Walter H. Ruth was the guest speaker at the ceremony. During the 13 years that Pastor Stephens served Good Shepherd, he made immeasurable contributions to our church. The permanent roll of members grew from 22 to more than 400. Pastor Stephens left Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to continue his ministry in Detroit, Michigan.
Since that time, we have had several interns and ministers who have served us with devotion and dedication. They were: Intern Paul Weber, Pastor Norwood R. Knutson, Pastor William L. Mitchell, Pastor Donald V. Grohs, Pastor Dewey J. Bjorkman, Intern Ronald A. Borlang, Pastor Sterling Belcher, Pastor Mario Barbell, Pastor Michelle Robinson, Pastor Robert Edwards, Pastor Michael Steinke, Pastor Richard Perry, Pastor Earlene Miller, Pastor Anthony Williams, and Pastor Tyrone McGowan.
Under the leadership of Pastor Michael Steinke, we dedicated the new addition to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Later in 1954, the Illinois District of The American Lutheran Church called the Rev. Harvard W. Stephens as a full time pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Mission. Pastor Stephens began his Pastorate here on July 13, 1955. He was installed by Dr. A. W. Englebrecht, Illinois District President of the American Lutheran Church on December 11, 1955; this marked the beginning of the official organization of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Also, in December of 1955, Good Shepherd’s first parsonage was dedicated at 14006 Claire Boulevard, Robbins, Illinois. In addition to being the home of the pastor, his wife and three children, the parsonage was used for all of the auxiliaries meetings, choir rehearsals, adult classes and confirmation instructions.
November 27, 1956 the first Church Council was elected consisting of Pastor H. W. Stephens, George Henderson Sr. as Financial Secretary; Clara Stephens as Corresponding Secretary; Shirley Marsh as Recording Secretary; Marion L. Smith as Treasurer; Victor Anderson Sr., Randolph Marsh Sr., Percy Lewis Sr., as Deacons; M. L. Smith, William George, James Jackson Sr., Martha Lewis and Ann L. Green as Trustees.
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church was dedicated on May 18, 1958. Rev. Walter H. Ruth was the guest speaker at the ceremony. During the 13 years that Pastor Stephens served Good Shepherd, he made immeasurable contributions to our church. The permanent roll of members grew from 22 to more than 400. Pastor Stephens left Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to continue his ministry in Detroit, Michigan.
Since that time, we have had several interns and ministers who have served us with devotion and dedication. They were: Intern Paul Weber, Pastor Norwood R. Knutson, Pastor William L. Mitchell, Pastor Donald V. Grohs, Pastor Dewey J. Bjorkman, Intern Ronald A. Borlang, Pastor Sterling Belcher, Pastor Mario Barbell, Pastor Michelle Robinson, Pastor Robert Edwards, Pastor Michael Steinke, Pastor Richard Perry, Pastor Earlene Miller, Pastor Anthony Williams, and Pastor Tyrone McGowan.
Under the leadership of Pastor Michael Steinke, we dedicated the new addition to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Statement of Purpose
The Church is a people created by God in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, called and sent to bear witness to God's creative, redeeming and sanctifying activity in the world.
If you would like to make a donation to Historical Good Shepherd Lutheran Church of Robbins Illinois, please make checks payable to:
"Good Shepherd Lutheran Church"
P. O. Box 121
Robbins, Illinois 60472
P. O. Box 121
Robbins, Illinois 60472